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SQL Introduction

Welcome to SQL Arena

What is SQL?

  • SQL is an Structed query language.

  • It has wide range of uses, it is use to play with data in the database and manipulate the data according to our needs.

  • SQL is not a database like MySQL or Microsoft SQL, it is just a query language use to fetch data from this RDBMS.

  • SQL is an declarative language (non-procedural language) unlike other programming language like C, C++ which are procedural language.

  • In non-procedural language, you don't need procedure or steps to perform a certain task. you just write a query and your work is done. 

Why SQL?

  • SQl is use to create a data in the database.

  • SQl is use to update data in the RDBMS.

  • Professional can query and fetch the data from the database.

  • Data can be retrieve according to the need of the project from the database.

  • Records can be update, delete and manipulate in the database using sql.

  • Data Professionals can create views and procedures using sql.

  • Can apply limitation and user access permission restrictions is possible.

  • Data can be commit and save using sql in database.

SQL History

  • SQL was developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce after understanding about the relational model from E. F. Codd in the 1970s.

  • In 1986, SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

  • In 1987, SQL became a standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

SQL Advantages

  • SQl doesn't require to write a large lines of codes .

  • SQl can get you desired data in fewer lines of queries.

  • Processing speed of sql is high even when handling large databases.

  • Data can be retrieve according to the need of the project from the database.

  • Records can be update, delete and manipulate in the database using sql.

  • Standard form of syntax is use through out the professional world.

  • Interactive and easy to learn language.

What is RDBMS?

  • RDBMS is an relational database management system.

  • It is an database management system using an relational models and connections.

  • Popular and modern database systems like MS SQL, MySQl, Oracle, etc all uses RDBMS.

  • RDBMS was introduced by E. F. Codd.


What is Relational Database Management System?

Let's break the word and understand each word in details.

  • Database means a storage or collection of data.

  • In RDBMS, Data are mostly available in the form of a table.

  • A table is basically made of various rows and columns.

  • Various tables are linked together with some relations.

So Relational Database management system is nothing but a management system where few tables are linked together with some relationship in between them to form a database.

What are tables?

Tables are form using the combination of rows and columns. which is use to store the data.


What are Records?

Single horizontal row in a table is called a record in sql.


What are Fields?

Vertical Columns are known as fields or attributes in sql.

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