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Data Analyst


Python Syllabus​​​​

  • Introduction to Python

  • Python Variables

  • Python Comments

  • Data Types

  • Type Casting

  • Python Operators

  • Python Slicing

  • Conditional Statement

  • While Loop

  • For Loop

  • String

  • List

  • Tuple

  • Set

  • Dictionary

  • Function

  • Expection Handling

  • Master Class on Numpy/Pandas



SQL Syllabus​​​​​​

  • Introduction to Database

  • SQL Commands

  • SQL Installation

  • SQL Data Types

  • SQL Operators

  • SQL Constraints

  • Data Manipulation Language

  • Data Definition Language

  • Data Control Language

  • Select Statement

  • Aggregate Function

  • SQL Joins

  • SQL Subqueries

  • Built-In Function

  • SQL Indexes

  • Case Statement

  • SQL Views

  • SQL Window Functions



PowerBI Syllabus​​​​​​

Module 1: Quick Start

  • Get Power BI Tools

  • Introduction to Tools and Terminology

  • Dashboard in Minutes

  • Interacting with your Dashboards

  • Sharing Dashboards and Reports ​



Module 2: Transforming Data with Power BI

  • Introduction to Power BI Desktop

  • Getting Data: Excel vs Power BI Desktop

  • Q&A

  • Import Data


Module 3: Modeling with Power BI

  • Introduction to Modeling

  • Setup and Manage Relationships

  • Cardinality and Cross Filtering

  • Default Summarization & Sort by

  • Creating Calculated Columns

  • Creating Measures & Quick Measures



Module 4: Power BI Desktop Visualisations ​

  • Creating Visualizations 

  • Color Formatting

  • Setting Sort Order

  • Scatter & Bubble Charts & Play Axis

  • Tooltips

  • Slicers, Timeline Slicers & Sync Slicers

  • Visual, Page and Report Level Filters

  • Drill Down/Up

  • Tables, Matrices & Conditional Formatting

  • KPI's, Cards & Gauges

  • Map Visualizations

  • Custom Visuals

  • Drill through

  • Mobile view


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