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Data Science


Python Programming​

  • Introduction to Python

  • Python Variables

  • Python Comments

  • Data Types

  • Type Casting

  • Python Operators

  • Python Slicing

  • Conditional Statement

  • While Loop

  • For Loop

  • String

  • List

  • Tuple

  • Set

  • Dictionary

  • Function

  • Expection Handling



Numpy Module​​​

  • Introduction to Numpy Array

  • Numpy Operation

  • Numpy Methods

  • Numpy Slicing

  • String Operations

  • Split & Concatenate

  • Broadcasting



Pandas Module​​​

  • Introduction to Pandas

  • Series

  • Data Frame

  • Reading Csv Files

  • Handling Missing values

  • Groupby

  • Merge



Data Preprocessing​​​

  • Introduction to DPP

  • Data Cleaning

  • Data Integration

  • Feature Scaling

  • Preparing Test cases



Machine Learning​​​

  • Introduction to machine learning

  • Regression

  • Classification

  • Clustering



Regression Models​​​

  • Simple Linear Regression

  • Multiple Linear Regression

  • Polynomial Regression

  • Support Vector Regression

  • Decision Tree Regression

  • Random Forest Regression



Classfication Models​​​

  • Logistic Regression

  • K-Nearest Neighbors

  • SVC

  • SVC Kernel

  • Naive Bayes

  • Decision Tree Classification

  • Random Forest 



Deep Learning​​​

  • Introduction to Deep Learning

  • Artificial Neural Network

  • Convolutional Neural Network



Natural Language Processing​​​

  • Introduction to NLP

  • Natural language Tool Kit (NLTK)

  • Tokenization 

  • Stemming

  • Tagging 

  • Parsing


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